St Abb's National Reserve

St Abb's National Reserve
View from my office

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

I added pictures to the blog, this morning, after entertaining the possibility that some readers may like to know about THE WORK.

I'm currently working on a couple of commissions, with a couple pending.

I have, of late, made trips to the coast, to paint en plein air. I was really very self-conscious, about the act of painting, but am finding it much easier now, not to rush the process of making work when I feel I may be under scrutiny- (By seagulls?!)

I especially enjoyed a foray to Bamburgh, in the wild winds in December. The experience, in the end, was all process, as the pictures were adorned with cat paw prints before drying out, unfortunately!

I began sketching outdoors again, last year, in a friend's garden:

My kids are now of an age where they are able to feed themselves, argue effectively against going places with Mother, etc. So, I was able to pack pastels and drive over the hill and sit in the sunshine, surrounded by a horticultural vision.I want exhibit the finished work and sketches sometime, perhaps in a building near the garden (It will be open for The National Gardens Scheme).

I will have some work from the garden to show on the art tour, ( details to follow) in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, thank you for visiting my blog today. How I wish I could paint like you! I can't even paint a wall let alone a picture. You are very talented.

Bamburgh is the ideal location for that beautiful artwork inspiration.

Crystal xx

occasional northerner said...

Love the look of oil drying on v big canvas.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Wow! Amazing picture

Sarah said...

Thank you, all, for your kind comments!