St Abb's National Reserve

St Abb's National Reserve
View from my office

Thursday, 17 September 2009

I've just got work into an exhibition at The Eastgate Theatre, Peebles. It begins on 20th Sept and ends 5th October. I'm submitting 3 abstract works. The Moot Hall exhibtion, in Hexham, begins on the 28th October. (running almost parallel with NewcastleGateshead Art Fair). Life is quite exciting, at the moment!

Oh, and, doing some preliminary sketches for commission work, as well as finishing work on the easel...


Manicmum said...

Wow - your work is powerful stuff! Good luck with the exhibition. I just peeked at your blog after reading your comments on helen romeo's one. You got soul! XX

Michelle said...

Busy, busy, busy. This is how I get all my energy, have a frenetic workload and the energy builds itself! Go Girl!

by Tatty said...

Pretty... your exhibistionism starts on 28th SEPTEMBER, non October.

Mercury is in Full Swing.

Yorn Ducky xx

Sarah said...

Thanks, Tatty